APR 2019
Livestream sa konal v minulosti / Livestream was held in the past
International Scientific Symposium & Conference on “Central European Initiative on Agricultural Land Protection”
Programme of the Symposium & Conference 09:30-10:00 Welcome speech • Coordinator of the project –Doc.JUDr.Lucia Palšová,PhD., • Dean of FESRD Doc.Ing.Olga Roháčiková,PhD., Moderator : Palšová, Bandlerová 10:00-10.30 Agricultural land protection in the EU special(focus) in Central Europe (DG Agri, Belgium,FAO) 10:30-10:40 Discussion 10:40-11:00 Protection of the agricultural land -Case Slovakia 11:00-11:10 Discussion 11:10-11:30 Protection of t

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